This is the poem I wrote to read in church. Last night was our Food for Christmas singing and I felt led to finish this poem yesterday afternoon and read it last night.
Mary and Joseph, they came into town
The lack of room had caused them to frown
They finally found comfort inside a cave
Not made for man, but protection it gave
They came into town for Caesar to tax
Decree for a census, he wanted his facts
Not knowing that he was a part of God's plan
God's plan to bring salvation to sinful man
The Virgin Mary, she was so great with child
Not being protected from all of the wild
God provided protection for them on that day
And provided a bed that was made out of hay
The angels that night would all start to sing
Born in the hay that night was a king
Forgiveness from sin, this child He would bring
Take away from believers, death's awful sting
This was God's present to all of this Earth
The present was wrapped up in this child's birth
This child would come here to pay for our sins
And when you accept that your story begins