Keeping things given to us by God simple, even though we live in a very complicated world.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

How much control does TV have in our lives?

In this morning's edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Terry Pluto gives his observation on how much television controls our lives.

It's something to think about as we are about to embark on Super Sunday, the day which has the most watched show of the year.

As he usually does, Terry gives many viewpoints and sites many several sources. It is definitely worth a read.


Melanie said...

This made me think about something I believe the Lord has been speaking to me for awhile. Thank you for posting this.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

In hindsight, I was so burned out with my husband and grandson screaming this Sunday. I try to meditate on Sundays, and it was almost impossible.

My Sundays use to be quiet before my grandson came. I have got to find me a small quiet church to go to. Thanks for the reminder.