Keeping things given to us by God simple, even though we live in a very complicated world.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Iron Sharpening Iron

As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17 NJKV

One thing that's amazed me in the past few weeks is how many friends I have made through the Internet. First it was Liquid. Then off her blog, I was introduced to Pilgrim. Last week I was introduced to Frasypoo, and through her blog I was introduced to Kathy's Klavier. And before all this I had known through the message boards a gentleman known as WZZP.

All these good people have taught me a thing or two about living the Christian life. WZZP was there for me when I was going through depression last winter. Liquid has done a great job in making me feel me about my blogging and has been a fantastic friend behind the scenes.

The first post I commented about on Pilgrim's Scrawl, was about Pilgrim being a serial intercessor. By the way, I was just at Pilgrim's Scrawl and Pilgrim has posted that he will be away from the blogosphere for 1-1/2 weeks, and he wants us to pray for him. He and I have had some contact through email, and we also have become good friends.

Another introduced to me by Liquid is Frasypoo. Frasypoo originally is from India, but now hails from Georgia. Frasypoo is very frank about her religious and political views, but will also let you know if you are doing a good job blogging. She is a very committed Christian.

Kathy(not Mrs74WIXYgrad) came here this week, having discovered me through Frasypoo. I've taken a look at her blog and am impressed. She seems to be a relatively young Christian, but has her feet firmly planted Check out her blog, Kathy's Klavier.

Let me tie this all together. Why have I told you about all these good folks? Because we all need each other. These people have all been working on sharpening me and I hope I have been able to help sharpen them.

It's been said that no man's an island and we aren't. We need contact one with another. God created man in order to have someone to fellowship with. He expects his greatest creation to have fellowship one with another. We can learn from others. We can teach others. Jesus told the disciples to Go therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. We need to learn from some before we can teach others.


Kathy said...

Hey, thanks for the mention of my blog! You are right about how reading each other's Christian blogs can be so helpful. Meeting all the new blog friends has been an unexpected blessing to me!

Sindi said...


I have read just one of your blogs and I am very touched by your heart felt comments about your blogger friends. I would like to keep coming to your blog and maybe become one of your blogger friends. God Bless:)

Pilgrim said...

It is an honour to be called your friend.